Pasture Improvement Grants available to farmers
Pasture Improvement Grants
Grants of up to $2,500 are available for projects to help farms transition to pasture-based systems, expand animals’ access to well-managed pasture, and improve the quality of pasture. The online application deadline is 5pm CST on December 2, 2019.
Before you apply, please review the eligibility requirements below. To apply, complete an online application with information about your farm, proposed project, and project budget. You will also be asked to upload three color photographs that accurately depict the current state of your operation, including at least one of the animals the proposed project will benefit.
Please contact Larissa McKenna, FACT’s Humane Farming Program Director, with any questions after reviewing these guidelines.
1. Farms must be located in the continental United States and be working, independent family farms. These are farms on which a family or individual owns the animals, is engaged in the day to day management of the farm and its animals, derives a share of livelihood from the farm, and produces a livestock product for sale. If you are selected to receive a grant you will be required to furnish a valid Schedule F form or comparable form from your most recent tax return; this document is not required at time of application. If you haven’t filed taxes for your farm in the past but expect to do so for 2019 before the grants are awarded in February 2020, please note this on your application.
2. Projects must be designed to improve animal welfare by helping a farm transition to a pasture-based system, expand the animals’ access to well-managed pasture, and/or improve the quality of pasture.
3. Proposed projects must impact at least one of these species: pigs, broiler chickens, laying hens, turkeys, sheep, dairy cows, beef cattle, and/or goats.
4. Only one application per farm per year will be accepted. This means that farms should choose one grant category and may only submit one application total.
5. All proposed projects must begin and be completed within the time frame of February 2020 through May 2021. Projects that are completed before February 2020 are not eligible for funding.
6. If awarded a grant, farmers must agree to a scheduled farm visit(s) by FACT as well as flash photography and videos during the visit, and the use of the farm name/photos/video in FACT publications and websites.
7. Farms must already raise animals (produce-only farms are not eligible). Projects involving a new species of animals on an existing livestock/poultry operation will be considered.
8. Eligible expense categories include: materials, supplies, equipment, shipping/delivery costs, consultant/professional fees, travel, training, and hired labor costs.
9. No funds will be awarded to:
Farms that are in their first year of production or to non-profit organizations.
The purchase of animals (with the exception of livestock guardian dogs), land, or recurring expenses such as animal feed.
Projects related to the production of raw milk.
Projects related to the slaughter, transportation, and/or processing of animals.
Certification fees associated with animal welfare certification.