FFA Sheep show

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Dear, Valley Farm Supply

 My name is Eduardo Damian and I am a senior at Arroyo Grande High School. As my very first FFA involvement, I am raising market sheep. After graduation, I am hoping to attain a major in agriculture business. Participating in FFA has increased my growing interest in agriculture; particularly in the marketing of agricultural products and the livestock industry.

My sheep’s name is Clark and he has shown me the responsibility and care that you need to give your market animal. He’s only 6 months old and already weighs 100 pounds. He’s getting bigger every day and In these past months, he has given me a lot of management skills.  I feed, walk, and clean his pen daily all to prepare him for this year's Santa Barbara County Fair.

I intend to show and sell Clark at this year’s SB County Fair opening on July 10- 14th  at the Santa Maria fair parks. I will be showing him at the Santa Barbara County Fair Junior livestock auction sale on July 12. I would like to invite you to come along and see the Lamb auction following the rabbit sale at noon. It will be a day of joy and remembrance.

I do hope you will be able to make it and I am sincerely thankful for your time in reading this letter. I hope you have a wonderful day.


Eduardo Damian 
2019 Arroyo Grande
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